Parental Alienation in Court: Dealing with Judicial Anxiety
In cases such as these, where such possibility of danger has been carefully vetted and found to be absent, the court should then act accordingly. Sadly, we find that not to be the case very frequently. I believe that a key reason for this is that the second part of the equation involving false allegations is seldom executed.
What needs to happen – and this is the frequently missing piece – is for the case presentation to say essentially, “not only is this parent not guilty of what they have been accused of being, but what is true is that the other parent has affirmatively attempted to defraud the court” by accusing them as being so.
When this argument is effectively and strongly made, the court’s attention shifts from the targeted parent onto the alienating parent.
Therefore, Parental Alienation case presentation must bring the attention back to the alienating parent in a robust fashion. For reasons that I cannot clearly delineate, many attorney’s appear to be uncomfortable with this last step, often citing that they want to remain as the “reasonable one”. I believe that this is very often a serious error.
Learn to counter, deflect, and defend against criticisms and misinformation about Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome by enrolling in the on demand online workshop, “Litigating Family Law Cases with Parental Alienation“