Gebrek aan feitenonderzoek
Over hoe het systeem van familierechtspraak, waaronder het niet doen van deugdelijk (feiten)onderzoek, schade berokkent aan moeders, vaders en kinderen die bloot staan aan dwingende controle en andere vormen van huiselijk geweld.
Lees het belangrijke rapport van april 2023 van speciaal rapporteur van de VN/UNSRVAW (
“The report demonstrates how the discredited and unscientific pseudo-concept of parental alienation is used in family law proceedings by abusers as a tool to continue their abuse and coercion and to undermine and discredit allegations of domestic violence made by mothers who are trying to keep their children safe. It also shows how the standard of the best interest of the child is violated by imposing contact between a child and one or both parents and by prioritizing it, even where there is evidence of domestic violence. Predominantly as a result of the lack of training and gender bias and of access to legal support, the custody of children may be awarded to perpetrators of violence, despite evidence of a history of domestic and/or sexual abuse. The risks of such consequences are compounded for women from marginalized groups in society. The report elaborates on systemic issues that lead to additional barriers to justice. Judges and evaluators need to move away from focusing on the identification of behaviours that are contested within the discipline of psychology and towards a focus on the specific facts and contexts of each case.”
“The use of “reunification camps” for children as part of any outcome in legal proceedings be prohibited”.
Hoogleraar Corine de Ruiter en ik hebben al vaker op misstanden in het systeem van familierecht en jeugdbescherming gewezen, bijvoorbeeld in: